Un monstruo de celulosa en el corazón de Galicia

Foto tribuna por Pedro Armestre / Greenpeace | Galicia, España La comarca de A Ulloa, en el corazón de Galicia, está amenazada por la construcción de una enorme fábrica de celulosa de la multinacional portuguesa Altri. Un monstruo que pone en peligro su naturaleza y a sus habitantes en una zona de alto valor ecológico, económico y social donde se llevan a cabo numerosas iniciativas … Continue reading Un monstruo de celulosa en el corazón de Galicia

Opinion: Vacations as we know it are over

Opinion by Bill McGuire Editor’s Note: Bill McGuire is Professor Emeritus of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London and author of “Hothouse Earth: An Inhabitant’s Guide.” The views expressed in this commentary are his own. Read more CNN opinion here.CNN— Terrified tourists holidaying in the Greek Islands this week came face-to-face with the future. As wildfires, driven by record-breaking heat, tinder-box conditions and strong winds, raged across the islands of … Continue reading Opinion: Vacations as we know it are over

Let’s give the wary wolverine some space

By Gabe Schepens | commentary An iconic inhabitant of rugged mountains in western Canada, the wolverine (Gulo gulo) covers tens of kilometers per day, running over treacherous terrain in search of oft-dead meat. For many avid mountain adventurers, a mere glimpse of a wolverine can be a once-in-a-lifetime encounter — even wolverine experts recount tall tales of times they briefly saw a blur slinking away between alpine … Continue reading Let’s give the wary wolverine some space

The Guardian view on Cop28: energy companies are not the only ones with a carbon addiction

Just like oil and gas businesses, and petro-states, carbon-intensive industries including meat will fight to keep on polluting Agriculture companies and lobbyists are among those who arrived in the United Arab Emirates for Cop28 determined to resist pressure on them to transform their businesses. Documents show that JBS, the world’s biggest meat company, and allies including the Global Dairy Platform, planned to make arguments in … Continue reading The Guardian view on Cop28: energy companies are not the only ones with a carbon addiction

In 2023 we’ve seen climate destruction in real time, yet rich countries are poised to do little at Cop28

Saleemul Huq and Farhana Sultana As another big climate conference looms and global ‘loss and damage’ takes hold, we must keep pressure on the biggest emitters Prof Saleemul Huq OBE and I wrote and submitted this article before his untimely death on Saturday 28 October, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Huq was a visionary and steadfast leader on climate justice, a champion of developing countries at climate negotiations, an advocate for … Continue reading In 2023 we’ve seen climate destruction in real time, yet rich countries are poised to do little at Cop28

The Guardian view on protecting trees: planting is a gift to the future, but not enough

From the Sycamore Gap to Wrexham’s sweet chestnut, Britain is increasingly vocal about its love of our historic trees Henry VIII was still on the throne when the shoots of a sweet chestnut first broke through the soil of Wrexham in what is now Acton Park. Copernicus was about to publish his theory that the Earth revolved around the sun. The Ming dynasty ruled China. … Continue reading The Guardian view on protecting trees: planting is a gift to the future, but not enough

Opinion: Talking to your children about the birds and the bees and climate change

Opinion by Kottie Christie-Blick Every parent worries about when, and how, to have a conversation with their children about the birds and the bees. Are they old enough? How much detail should I give? Will they understand? What do they know already? The reality is that the information is already out there. It’s in the news and it’s being discussed in schools. It’s across social media. … Continue reading Opinion: Talking to your children about the birds and the bees and climate change

Why Ecocide Is the Perfect Revenge on Our Children

Subject: Quick Anthropocene QuestionFrom: BiggMarty89@gmail.comTo: TheRachelMethod@ECR.org Hey, Rachel, Any tips for a terrified new parent? I have this nightmare in which my daughter is wandering a global desert, knife-fighting other scavengers for the remaining supplies of canned food. Not too often, just every other night. How do you cope? Best, Martin Subject: Re: Quick Anthropocene QuestionFrom: TheRachelMethod@ECR.orgTo: BiggMarty89@gmail.com Hello, Martin, I understand. When I look at my sons, I worry about … Continue reading Why Ecocide Is the Perfect Revenge on Our Children