Peru approves the creation of long-awaited marine protected area

By Michelle Carrere  In April, after 10 years of negotiations, Peru’s Council of Ministers approved the creation of the Grau Tropical Sea National Reserve. To Peruvians, it is a much-awaited marine protected area, as it’s one of the most biodiverse stretches along the country’s coastline. The reserve covers just over 115,675 hectares (285,840 acres) of sea off the departments of Piura and Tumbes in northern Peru. … Continue reading Peru approves the creation of long-awaited marine protected area

Alaska’s Arctic rivers turn rusty orange as permafrost thaws

By Liz Kimbrough Dozens of once-pristine rivers and streams in Alaska’s Brooks Range are turning an alarming shade of orange. The discoloration, according to a new study published in the journal Communications Earth and Environment, is likely caused by the thawing of permafrost, which is exposing previously frozen minerals that are now leaching into the waterways. The research team, led by ecologist Jon O’Donnell from the U.S. National Park … Continue reading Alaska’s Arctic rivers turn rusty orange as permafrost thaws

The first glow-in-the-dark animals may have been ancient corals deep in the ocean

By Christina Larson Many animals can glow in the dark. Fireflies famously blink on summer evenings. But most animals that light up are found in the depths of the ocean. In a new study, scientists report that deep-sea corals that lived 540 million years ago may have been the first animals to glow, far earlier than previously thought. “Light signaling is one of the earliest forms of communication that we … Continue reading The first glow-in-the-dark animals may have been ancient corals deep in the ocean

Las praderas marinas capturan el 10% del carbono almacenado por los océanos

El 1 de marzo, Naciones Unidas conmemora el Día Mundial de los Pastos Marinos, para poner de relieve “la urgente necesidad de crear conciencia a todos los niveles y de promover y facilitar la toma de medidas para conservarlos y  contribuir a su salud y su desarrollo”, ya que se estima que el 21 % de las especies de estos pastos están categorizadas como casi … Continue reading Las praderas marinas capturan el 10% del carbono almacenado por los océanos

Palau is the first nation to ratify treaty to protect high seas

By Elizabeth Claire Alberts Palau has become the first nation to ratify the high seas treaty, a legally binding international agreement that seeks to protect and manage ocean areas beyond national jurisdiction. Other countries, including Chile and the Maldives, are engaged in their ratification processes, pushing the treaty closer to becoming international law. The high seas treaty, also known as the BBNJ (biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction) … Continue reading Palau is the first nation to ratify treaty to protect high seas