Polar warning: Warming temperatures mean more than melted ice

By Elizabeth Devitt Most of us will never travel to Earth’s poles, but every creature on this planet will likely experience the consequences of escalating global warming in the polar north and south. Rapidly rising temperatures are radically altering the freezing, melting and precipitation patterns in the polar regions. And there’s strong evidence those changes don’t stay in the Arctic or Antarctic, but resonate across the … Continue reading Polar warning: Warming temperatures mean more than melted ice

Australia not prepared for how Antarctic ice changes will hit economy, scientist warns

Exclusive: Prof Matt King says accelerated melting could transform country and affect viability of some agricultural industries Adam Morton Climate and environment editor A leading Antarctic scientist has urged the Albanese government to pay closer attention to abrupt changes under way in the southern continent, warning they will affect Australians in ways that are little understood and research into them is drastically underfunded. The head of the … Continue reading Australia not prepared for how Antarctic ice changes will hit economy, scientist warns

Sea-level rise: West Antarctic ice shelf melt ‘unavoidable’

By Mark Poynting | Climate and environment researcher, BBC News Increased melting of West Antarctica’s ice shelves is “unavoidable” in the coming decades, a new study has warned. These floating tongues of ice extend from the main ice sheet into the ocean, and play a key role in holding back the glaciers behind. But as ice shelves melt, it can mean that the ice behind … Continue reading Sea-level rise: West Antarctic ice shelf melt ‘unavoidable’

Too late now to save Arctic summer ice, climate scientists find

ce-free summers inevitable even with sharp emissions cuts and likely to result in more extreme heatwaves and floods Damian Carrington Environment editor It is now too late to save summer Arctic sea ice, research has shown, and scientists say preparations need to be made for the increased extreme weather across the northern hemisphere that is likely to occur as a result. Analysis shows that even if greenhouse gas … Continue reading Too late now to save Arctic summer ice, climate scientists find

Antarctic ocean currents heading for collapse- report

By Tom Housden | BBC News, Sydney Rapidly melting Antarctic ice is causing a dramatic slowdown in deep ocean currents and could have a disastrous effect on the climate, a new report warns. The deep-water flows which drive ocean currents could decline by 40% by 2050, a team of Australian scientists says. The currents carry vital heat, oxygen, carbon and nutrients around the globe. Previous … Continue reading Antarctic ocean currents heading for collapse- report