End of impunity for Indigenous killings in sight for Brazil’s Guajajara

By Karla Mendes ARARIBOIA INDIGENOUS TERRITORY, Brazil — “I still remember it a lot. Every day. I’ve never forgotten what happened there,” says Laércio Guajajara. “When I looked at my side, I’ll never forget it. My companion was already on the ground. I don’t think he even had time to fire a single shot … That’s why we consider it an ambush indeed.” Laércio was a … Continue reading End of impunity for Indigenous killings in sight for Brazil’s Guajajara

Same-sex marriage: The lesbian activist seeking equal rights in India

By Umang Poddar | BBC News, Delhi With India’s Supreme Court due to rule on legalising same-sex marriages in the coming days, Maya Sharma is waiting with trepidation for the verdict. An LGBTQ+ activist, the 73-year-old lives with her female partner in the western city of Vadodara. She is among the 21 petitioners, including same-sex couples, trans people and organisations, who are seeking marriage equality. … Continue reading Same-sex marriage: The lesbian activist seeking equal rights in India

How criminalisation is being used to silence climate activists across the world

Nina Lakhani, Damien Gayle and Matthew Taylor Guardian investigation finds growing number of countries passing anti-protest laws as part of playbook of tactics to intimidate people peacefully raising the alarm As wildfires and extreme temperatures rage across the planet, sea temperature records tumble and polar glaciers disappear, the scale and speed of the climate crisis is impossible to ignore. Scientific experts are unanimous that there needs to be … Continue reading How criminalisation is being used to silence climate activists across the world

Dos activistas interrumpen un concierto y el director de orquesta se pone de su lado

Por Patricia Donohoe Los dos activistas de Renovate Switzerland subieron al escenario y pegaron sus manos a la consola del director. El público reaccionó con irritación, pero permanecieron sobre el escenario. Al cabo de 10 minutos, al final del movimiento, el director Vladímir Yúrovski habló con ellos y explicó al público que deseaba darles la palabra y que, a cambio, el concierto podría terminar sin … Continue reading Dos activistas interrumpen un concierto y el director de orquesta se pone de su lado

Why Hollywood’s Writers and Actors Are Striking

Analysis by Caelyn Pender | Bloomberg For the first time in more than 60 years, Hollywood writers and actors are on strike at the same time. Members of the Writers Guild of America haven’t worked since May 2, when talks with Hollywood studios fell apart. The Screen Actors Guild joined the writers on strike July 13 following unsuccessful negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and … Continue reading Why Hollywood’s Writers and Actors Are Striking

Climate Distress Could Inspire People To Take Action

If you channel the anger and frustration you feel due to climate distress, it could inspire you to take action and be a part of the climate activism movement, according to a new study. Having hope for the future despite the climate crisis is also linked to climate action. But researchers found that feelings like guilt, shame, sadness, and fear arising from climate grief were … Continue reading Climate Distress Could Inspire People To Take Action

Fukushima nuclear disaster: Activists march against Tokyo’s waste plan

By Charlene Anne Rodrigues | BBC News Hundreds of people in South Korean took to the streets of Seoul on Saturday to protest against Japan’s contentious plan to release treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Tokyo is set to release the water from the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant later this month. It has been approved by the UN nuclear watchdog, and a South Korean … Continue reading Fukushima nuclear disaster: Activists march against Tokyo’s waste plan

Myanmar: Young Burmese confront dashed dreams in exile

By Kelly Ng | BBC News In 2019, Pann Pann started her first job – maintaining medical records – at a government-run hospital in Myanmar’s southern Bago city. She aspired to be the hospital’s chief records officer. But four years on, the 25-year-old is waiting tables in Bangkok, her dreams pushed to the back burner as a brutal military regime continues to rule her country. … Continue reading Myanmar: Young Burmese confront dashed dreams in exile