Torture, rape, killings in Manipur: An Indian state’s brutal conflict

By Yogita Limaye | BBC News, Manipur The four men kneeling in the makeshift bunker face out over a lush green paddy field, their guns resting on a wall of cement sacks. Bamboo poles prop up the corrugated tin roof. Wearing homemade bullet-proof vests, they train their weapons – mostly old single and double-barrelled shotguns – on a rival bunker less than a mile away. … Continue reading Torture, rape, killings in Manipur: An Indian state’s brutal conflict

Rape still a weapon of war in Tigray months after peace deal

Medical records from across the region show sexual violence continues to be used ‘to intimidate and terrorise communities’ Sarah Johnson and Lucy Kassa Eritrean and Ethiopian soldiers continue a widespread and systematic campaign of rape in Tigray despite the peace agreement signed in November last year, a new report reveals. In the first report to document sexual violence – using hundreds of medical records from the start of the … Continue reading Rape still a weapon of war in Tigray months after peace deal

El uso del falso síndrome de alienación parental preocupa en América Latina

Cristina Bazán | Guayaquil – 11 agosto, 2023 Aunque ni la Organización Mundial de la Salud ni la comunidad científica lo reconoce, el aumento del uso del falso síndrome de alienación parental, una teoría que sostiene que las madres manipulan a los hijos en contra de los padres, en procesos judiciales de custodia en diversos países preocupa cada vez más en América Latina. “En verdad la … Continue reading El uso del falso síndrome de alienación parental preocupa en América Latina

Investigating the ‘spiritual healers’ sexually abusing women

By Hanan Razek| BBC News Arabic A hidden world of sex abuse and exploitation by men working as “spiritual healers” has been uncovered by BBC Arabic. Spiritual healing, also known as “Quranic healing”, is a popular practice in the Arab and Muslim world. It is mostly women who visit healers – believing that they can solve problems and cure illness by expelling evil spirits known … Continue reading Investigating the ‘spiritual healers’ sexually abusing women

Sudan conflict: Women tell BBC horror stories of rape

While Kolthom was being gang-raped by four paramilitary fighters in Sudan’s war-hit Darfur region, she was also being racially abused. By Mohamed Osman | BBC News Arabic “They were very barbaric. They took turns raping me under the tree where I had gone to gather wood to [make a fire to] keep warm,” she said in a quivering voice, down the phone line. We have … Continue reading Sudan conflict: Women tell BBC horror stories of rape

Cruz Roja alerta del aumento de captación de trata a través de medios digitales

La Cruz Roja ha advertido que durante los últimos años se ha producido un aumento de captación de mujeres para trata con fines de explotación sexual a través de redes sociales y medios digitales pero que, sin embargo, los recursos de atención a las víctimas a nivel estatal son insuficientes. Laura de Grado | Madrid A través de un comunicado, la organización ha explicado que las mujeres en esta … Continue reading Cruz Roja alerta del aumento de captación de trata a través de medios digitales

Argentina suma 167 feminicidios en el primer semestre

EFE | Buenos Aires (Argentina) En Argentina se han registrado 167 feminicidios en el primer semestre del año, según datos del Observatorio de Femicidios “Adriana Marisel Zambrano”. Uno de los feminicidios que “emblemáticos” en junio último, según el observatorio, ha sido el de Cecilia Strzyzowski, en la provincia norteña de Chaco, por el cual una familia de dirigentes sociales vinculados al gobierno provincial están siendo procesados por la Justicia. … Continue reading Argentina suma 167 feminicidios en el primer semestre

Sexual violence against women and children reached all-time high in Brazil in 2022 – report

Experts believe numbers partly reflect effects of lockdowns and trickling down of Jair Bolsonaro’s ultra-conservative views Constance Malleret in Rio de Janeiro Brazil saw a disturbing increase in sexual violence against women and children in 2022, according to new figures which paint a worrying picture of a country that is failing to protect its young and female population, particularly in their own homes. The data, published … Continue reading Sexual violence against women and children reached all-time high in Brazil in 2022 – report