El “poverty porn” ha llegado a TikTok. La última moda: grabar a indigentes sufriendo sobredosis en la calle

Se ha convertido en un fenómeno viral desde que ciudades como Vancouver, Los Ángeles y San Francisco se han llenado de calles repletas de personas sin hogar Albert Sanchis “Obviamente me pillaron en mi peor momento y no me gustaría que eso le pasara a otras personas… Sé que es legal filmar a la gente en público, pero al mismo tiempo tiene que haber algunos … Continue reading El “poverty porn” ha llegado a TikTok. La última moda: grabar a indigentes sufriendo sobredosis en la calle

Ireland’s housing crisis is a disaster for its people – and a gift to far-right fearmongers

Rory Hearne Decades of skewed policy have led to one of Europe’s worst shortages of affordable homes. Now it is being weaponised against refugees Ireland is in a dark place. Riots in Dublin last month exposed to the world the presence of a small, nascent but emboldened far right. A complex range of factors underlie this: social media conspiracy theories, toxic masculinity, an ugly underbelly of racism and … Continue reading Ireland’s housing crisis is a disaster for its people – and a gift to far-right fearmongers

Madagascan heatwave ‘virtually impossible’ without human-caused global heating

Study finds impact of heat on millions of people went unrecorded, highlighting limitations many African countries face Damian Carrington, Environment editor A record-breaking heatwave in Madagascar in October would have been “virtually impossible” without human-caused global heating, a study has shown. The extreme temperatures affected millions of very poor people but the damage to their lives was not recorded by officials or the media. Many governments in Africa lack the … Continue reading Madagascan heatwave ‘virtually impossible’ without human-caused global heating

Cate Blanchett denuncia los “peligrosos mitos” sobre los refugiados ante los eurodiputados

La actriz australiana Cate Blanchett, embajadora de buena voluntad de la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (ACNUR), instó el miércoles a los eurodiputados a oponerse a los “peligrosos mitos” que alimentan el “miedo” y las políticas antiinmigración. Blanchett comenzó su intervención hablando sobre la guerra entre Israel y Hamás, repitiendo el llamado de ACNUR a un “alto el fuego humanitario inmediato y a … Continue reading Cate Blanchett denuncia los “peligrosos mitos” sobre los refugiados ante los eurodiputados

Torture, rape, killings in Manipur: An Indian state’s brutal conflict

By Yogita Limaye | BBC News, Manipur The four men kneeling in the makeshift bunker face out over a lush green paddy field, their guns resting on a wall of cement sacks. Bamboo poles prop up the corrugated tin roof. Wearing homemade bullet-proof vests, they train their weapons – mostly old single and double-barrelled shotguns – on a rival bunker less than a mile away. … Continue reading Torture, rape, killings in Manipur: An Indian state’s brutal conflict

Dozens of children were left behind by UN personnel in Haiti. Their mothers want justice

Dajabón, Dominican Republic, and Les Cayes, Haiti (CNN)When Pauline Philippe found out she was pregnant with twins, she felt a flash of happiness. Then she burst into tears in front of the ultrasound technician. “Why are you crying?” she remembers him asking. Trying to cheer her up, he added: “You’re having twins, Preval and Aristide!” — referring to two former Haitian presidents. Haiti at the … Continue reading Dozens of children were left behind by UN personnel in Haiti. Their mothers want justice

How the illegal harvesting of giant trees in California shines a light on rural poverty

Lyndsie Bourgon Danny Garcia hoped to flee the life of poverty and crime that led him to poach wood from national park land. But the circle of violence was inescapable The last time I talked to Danny Garcia was two weeks before he was killed. In December 2022, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake rattled northern California. Its strength was such that along stretches of Highway 101, which runs … Continue reading How the illegal harvesting of giant trees in California shines a light on rural poverty

‘More and more on the move’. Record number of migrant children in Latin America and Caribbean, UN warns

By Michael Rios and Heather Chen, CNN Children are migrating through Latin America and the Caribbean in record numbers, driven by gang violence, poverty, instability and climate change, the United Nations reported Wednesday. In the first seven months of 2023, more than 60,000 children crossed the Darien Gap, a major migration route and treacherous stretch of jungle that connects South and Central America, more than any other year on … Continue reading ‘More and more on the move’. Record number of migrant children in Latin America and Caribbean, UN warns