Aprender a hacer cine en la Amazonia para contar la selva desde dentro

ALFONSO SILVA SANTISTEBAN Hace nueve años, a los 14, Livia Silvano aprendió a usar una cámara de video en el local comunal de su barrio, en la zona baja de Belén, en la Amazonia peruana. Desde niña había participado junto con su madre en talleres que utilizaban el arte para crear y para abordar temas complejos como la violencia infantil o de género, facilitados por educadores … Continue reading Aprender a hacer cine en la Amazonia para contar la selva desde dentro

Gaza sufre una crisis medioambiental “sin precedentes” por la guerra, según la ONU

Nairobi.- La guerra en Gaza está provocando una crisis medioambiental “sin precedentes” por la contaminación del suelo, el agua y el aire y los “daños irreversibles” en los ecosistemas naturales, advirtió el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA). “La población de Gaza no solo está lidiando con un sufrimiento incalculable por la guerra en curso, sino que los importantes y crecientes … Continue reading Gaza sufre una crisis medioambiental “sin precedentes” por la guerra, según la ONU

Food security in a world of overshoot

Humanity’s demand for biological resources has outpaced our planet’s ability to regenerate resources since the 1970s (1). The persistence of this overshoot has led to tensions. Shocks in supply chains associated with the global pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have revealed that our resource situation is far more fragile than generally recognized. They have also heightened our awareness that we live in a finite, interconnected … Continue reading Food security in a world of overshoot

Guerra y ecología: el impacto ambiental de los conflictos armados en un contexto global dinámico y cambiante

En la época actual, se están librando cientos de conflictos bélicos que no solo causan pérdidas humanas y devastación, sino que tienen también un impacto significativo en el medio ambiente. Para profundizar en este tema, entrevistamos a Juan Carlos Villalonga, experto en cambio climático y desarrollo sostenible Por Susana Rigoz Los conflictos armados dañan a las personas y su entorno con derivaciones difíciles de prever. … Continue reading Guerra y ecología: el impacto ambiental de los conflictos armados en un contexto global dinámico y cambiante

Extreme drought in southern Africa leaves millions hungry

BY FARAI MUTSAKA AND GERALD IMRAY MANGWE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Delicately and with intense concentration, Zanyiwe Ncube poured her small share of precious golden cooking oil into a plastic bottle at a food aid distribution site deep in rural Zimbabwe. “I don’t want to lose a single drop,” she said. Her relief at the handout — paid for by the United States government as her southern African country deals with … Continue reading Extreme drought in southern Africa leaves millions hungry

As Congo seeks to expand drilling, some communities worry pollution will worsen

BY SAM MEDNICK MOANDA, Congo (AP) — The oil drills that loom down the road from Adore Ngaka’s home remind him daily of everything he’s lost. The extraction in his village in western Congo has polluted the soil, withered his crops and forced the family to burn through savings to survive, he said. Pointing to a stunted ear of corn in his garden, the 27-year-old farmer … Continue reading As Congo seeks to expand drilling, some communities worry pollution will worsen

Famine looms in Sudan as civil war survivors tell of killings and rapes

By Feras Kilani in Sudan & Mercy Juma in Chad, BBC NewsShare Civilians caught up in Sudan’s civil war have given graphic accounts to the BBC of rape, ethnic violence and street executions. Our journalists have managed to make it to the front line of the fighting close to the capital, Khartoum. Top UN officials have said the conflict has plunged the country into “one … Continue reading Famine looms in Sudan as civil war survivors tell of killings and rapes

In climate-related flooding, a Ugandan river turns poisonous

By Ashoka Mukpo This is the second of a two-part series on climate-related disasters in western Uganda. Read Part One here. KASESE, Uganda — Right as the Nyamwamba River emerges from the foothills of western Uganda’s Rwenzori Mountains and begins its final descent onto the savanna, it passes by a curious sight. On the far bank from the road, past piles of sun-bleached stones on the now-dry … Continue reading In climate-related flooding, a Ugandan river turns poisonous