Guerra y ecología: el impacto ambiental de los conflictos armados en un contexto global dinámico y cambiante

En la época actual, se están librando cientos de conflictos bélicos que no solo causan pérdidas humanas y devastación, sino que tienen también un impacto significativo en el medio ambiente. Para profundizar en este tema, entrevistamos a Juan Carlos Villalonga, experto en cambio climático y desarrollo sostenible Por Susana Rigoz Los conflictos armados dañan a las personas y su entorno con derivaciones difíciles de prever. … Continue reading Guerra y ecología: el impacto ambiental de los conflictos armados en un contexto global dinámico y cambiante

Afganistán: una revista virtual para las mujeres

Shabnam Hein Mujeres que luchan por sus derechos civiles bajo el régimen de los talibanes publican la revista en línea “Zan Times” para sensibilizar a la opinión pública. Según el último informe de UNAMA, la Misión de Asistencia de Naciones Unidas en Afganistán, los talibanes  han restringido aún más los derechos de las mujeres. En su último informe trimestral de diciembre de 2023, la misión de la … Continue reading Afganistán: una revista virtual para las mujeres

Russia LGBT: Police raid Moscow gay clubs, media say

Police in Moscow have raided several gay clubs, local media report, a day after Russia’s Supreme Court moved to outlaw the “LGBT movement”. Club goers were briefly held and their passports were photographed during the raids late on Friday, Telegram channel Ostorozhno Novosti said. One attendee told the channel he feared he would be given a lengthy jail term. The police said they were searching … Continue reading Russia LGBT: Police raid Moscow gay clubs, media say

Iran’s women on Mahsa Amini’s death anniversary: ‘I wear what I like now’

By Caroline Hawley | BBC News A young woman walks down a street in Tehran, her hair uncovered, her jeans ripped, a bit of midriff exposed to the hot Iranian sun. An unmarried couple walk hand in hand. A woman holds her head high when asked by Iran’s once-feared morality police to put a hijab on, and tells them: “Screw you!” These acts of bold … Continue reading Iran’s women on Mahsa Amini’s death anniversary: ‘I wear what I like now’

Iran’s ‘gender apartheid’ bill could jail women for 10 years for not wearing hijab

Shops that serve unveiled women could be shut under draft law UN human rights body says suppresses women into ‘total submission’ Deepa Parent Women in Iran face up to 10 years in prison if they continue to defy the country’s mandatory hijab law, under harsher laws awaiting approval by authorities. Even businesses that serve women without a hijab face being shut down. The stricter dress … Continue reading Iran’s ‘gender apartheid’ bill could jail women for 10 years for not wearing hijab

Virginia library at risk after rightwing push to defund it over LGBTQ+ books

Samuels Library set to close on 1 October after far-right community members claimed LGBTQ+ books were pornographic Erum Salam A public county library in Virginia is at risk of shutting down after a group of far-right community members launched a campaign to defund it on accusations it held “pornographic books” though in fact the works usually just explore LGBTQ+ themes. Samuels Library in Front Royal’s Warren county … Continue reading Virginia library at risk after rightwing push to defund it over LGBTQ+ books

Taliban stop female Afghan students leaving country to study in Dubai

“After the Taliban shut universities for women, my only hope was to get a scholarship which would help me study abroad,” says 20-year-old Afghan student Natkai. By Noor Gul Shafaq | BBC Afghan Natkai’s name has been changed for her own safety. The Taliban have cracked down hard on women who oppose them. Natkai says she kept studying even though there was little chance of … Continue reading Taliban stop female Afghan students leaving country to study in Dubai

Afghanistan: Taliban ban women from visiting popular national park

By Antoinette Radford | BBC News The Taliban have banned women from visiting the Band-e-Amir national park in the central Bamiyan province. Afghanistan’s acting minister of virtue and vice, Mohammad Khaled Hanafi, said women had not been observing hijab inside the park. He called on religious clerics and security agencies to forbid women from entering until a solution was found. Band-e-Amir is a significant tourist … Continue reading Afghanistan: Taliban ban women from visiting popular national park