Iran’s ‘gender apartheid’ bill could jail women for 10 years for not wearing hijab

Shops that serve unveiled women could be shut under draft law UN human rights body says suppresses women into ‘total submission’ Deepa Parent Women in Iran face up to 10 years in prison if they continue to defy the country’s mandatory hijab law, under harsher laws awaiting approval by authorities. Even businesses that serve women without a hijab face being shut down. The stricter dress … Continue reading Iran’s ‘gender apartheid’ bill could jail women for 10 years for not wearing hijab

‘Knowledge is power’: new app helps US teens read books banned in school

Digital Public Public Library fights back against rightwing censorship with resource that works through geo-targeting Olivia Empson Maia Kobabe’s 2019 memoir Gender Queer is an after-dinner favorite in Jen Cousins’ house. The family lives in Orange county, Florida, and all four children read the book when their mother first brought it home two years ago. She had to; she couldn’t stop crying when she read the … Continue reading ‘Knowledge is power’: new app helps US teens read books banned in school

Ocho de cada diez madres se sienten juzgadas en su entorno familiar

Ocho de cada diez madres se sienten juzgadas y cuestionadas en su entorno familiar. Esta es la principal conclusión del estudio “No eres menos madre”, elaborado por el Club de Malasmadres, que mide la presión social que reciben las mujeres en las diferentes etapas de la maternidad. “Queremos reivindicar que vivir la maternidad con libertad no puede ser una utopía y que todas las maternidades son válidas”, … Continue reading Ocho de cada diez madres se sienten juzgadas en su entorno familiar

Cartas postales para ayudar a las mujeres artistas de Irán que arriesgan su vida por encontrar su lugar

La asociación de mujeres artistas Blanco, Negro y Magenta ha convocado una acción postal que lleva por lema Mujer, Vida, Libertad. Todas somos artistas iraníes. La finalidad es visibilizar la preocupación que existe por las mujeres y artistas de Irán, que están arriesgando su vida por ocupar su lugar en el convulso paisaje del país, que ha dibujado el poder político, muy restrictivo con los derechos femeninos.  La campaña está … Continue reading Cartas postales para ayudar a las mujeres artistas de Irán que arriesgan su vida por encontrar su lugar

The Party Is Cancelled

Inside a monthly New York City hangout, where fired university professors and controversial TikTokers get together to have discussions they feel they can’t have anywhere else. By Emma Green Every month, more than two hundred people from the media, academia, and other intellectual circles are invited to a private hangout in New York City, which is known as the Gathering of Thought Criminals. There are two … Continue reading The Party Is Cancelled

Trust, diversity and independence: three key elements for a thriving press

Newspapers’ power is being eroded and disinformation is rife – but there is a way forward Kelly Walls | Opinion | Press freedom Our understanding of the world is driven by information. It feeds our ability to make informed decisions about our lives, our communities, the way we’re governed. This fundamental freedom, the power to be able to access reliable information, sits at the heart … Continue reading Trust, diversity and independence: three key elements for a thriving press

The journalists imprisoned for reporting the death that shook Iran

By Maryam Afshang | BBC Persian Mahsa Amini’s name made headlines around the world when she died in custody last September, sparking waves of protests in Iran. But not many people have heard of Niloufar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi. The two female journalists helped break the story of Ms Amini’s death and have been detained in two of Iran’s most notorious prisons ever since. On … Continue reading The journalists imprisoned for reporting the death that shook Iran

Iran protests: Secret committee ‘punished celebrities over dissent’

By Parham Ghobadi | BBC Persian Iran formed a secret committee last year to punish celebrities who backed the current anti-government protests, leaked documents seen by the BBC show. In a letter dated 22 September, just six days after the unrest began, the committee sent the economy ministry a list of 141 well-known figures. It told the ministry to investigate their tax returns and take … Continue reading Iran protests: Secret committee ‘punished celebrities over dissent’