Aprender a hacer cine en la Amazonia para contar la selva desde dentro

ALFONSO SILVA SANTISTEBAN Hace nueve años, a los 14, Livia Silvano aprendió a usar una cámara de video en el local comunal de su barrio, en la zona baja de Belén, en la Amazonia peruana. Desde niña había participado junto con su madre en talleres que utilizaban el arte para crear y para abordar temas complejos como la violencia infantil o de género, facilitados por educadores … Continue reading Aprender a hacer cine en la Amazonia para contar la selva desde dentro

Javan rhino poacher gets 12 years in record sentence for wildlife crime in Indonesia

By Jeremy Hance A court in Indonesia has sentenced a man to 12 years in prison for poaching six critically endangered Javan rhinos, in what’s been hailed as the harshest punishment handed down for wildlife crime to date. Poaching carries a maximum sentence of five years under Indonesian law, and prosecutors had sought this figure in the case against Sunendi, 32, along with a 10 million rupiah ($616) fine. … Continue reading Javan rhino poacher gets 12 years in record sentence for wildlife crime in Indonesia

Mongabay video screening at Chile’s Supreme Court expected to help landmark verdict in Brazil

By Karla Mendes This story was supported by the Pulitzer Center’s Rainforest Investigations Network where Karla Mendes is a fellow. SANTIAGO — The screening of a Mongabay video at Chile’s Supreme Court this month is expected to help prosecutors in a landmark case against impunity against the killings of Indigenous people in Brazil. The video centers on the killing of 26-year-old Indigenous leader Paulo Paulino Guajajara in an … Continue reading Mongabay video screening at Chile’s Supreme Court expected to help landmark verdict in Brazil

Una nueva normativa endurece desde este lunes la lista de delitos contra el medioambiente en la UE

Bruselas.- La Unión Europea endurece desde este lunes las penas por delitos contra el medio ambiente, castigando con hasta diez años de prisión los crímenes ecológicos que causen la muerte.  La nueva normativa comunitaria “garantizará que las infracciones más graves de las normas ambientales sean consideradas como delitos y que se reconozca el papel clave de los defensores del medioambiente”, declaró en un comunicado el … Continue reading Una nueva normativa endurece desde este lunes la lista de delitos contra el medioambiente en la UE

Undercover in a shark fin trafficking ring: Interview with wildlife crime fighter Andrea Crosta

By Philip Jacobson  Four years of investigating jaguar parts trafficking rings in Latin America led Andrea Crosta to a grim realization: The same smugglers were often involved in a variety of illegal enterprises, including moving different kinds of wildlife products across national borders. Especially shark fins. “We kept stumbling upon shark fin trafficking — it was the same people,” Crosta told Mongabay. “And it happened everywhere: … Continue reading Undercover in a shark fin trafficking ring: Interview with wildlife crime fighter Andrea Crosta

CITES halts Ecuador’s shark trade; trafficking persists amid lack of transparency

By Carlos Chunga on 6 May 2024 | Translated by Lily Nicolson Illegal trafficking of shark fins and bodies from Ecuador to Peru has gone on for years. On Feb. 6, Ecuador announced measures to restrict fishing of these animals. The announcement came in response to an ultimatum given in November 2023 by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) demanding the country … Continue reading CITES halts Ecuador’s shark trade; trafficking persists amid lack of transparency

Apologies aren’t enough, Indigenous people say of Brazil dictatorship’s crimes

By Fernanda Wenzel In Mato Grosso do Sul state, around 100 Indigenous individuals from the Guyraroká community of the Guarani-Kaiowá people are confined to an area of 50 hectares (123 acres) on the edge of a road, surrounded by soybean and corn plantations. Meanwhile, in Minas Gerais state, the Krenak are fighting to reclaim the area where their cemeteries and sacred sites are located. They still … Continue reading Apologies aren’t enough, Indigenous people say of Brazil dictatorship’s crimes

UN puts spotlight on attacks against Indigenous land defenders

By Sarah Sax When around 70,000 Indigenous Maasai were expelled from their lands in northern Tanzania in 2022, it didn’t happen in a vacuum. For years, the Tanzanian government has systematically attacked Maasai communities, imprisoning Maasai leaders and land defenders on trumped-up charges, confiscating livestock, using lethal violence, and claiming that the Maasai’s pastoralist lifestyle is causing environmental degradation—a lifestyle that has shaped and sustained the land that the Maasai have lived on for centuries. … Continue reading UN puts spotlight on attacks against Indigenous land defenders