Cate Blanchett denuncia los “peligrosos mitos” sobre los refugiados ante los eurodiputados

La actriz australiana Cate Blanchett, embajadora de buena voluntad de la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (ACNUR), instó el miércoles a los eurodiputados a oponerse a los “peligrosos mitos” que alimentan el “miedo” y las políticas antiinmigración. Blanchett comenzó su intervención hablando sobre la guerra entre Israel y Hamás, repitiendo el llamado de ACNUR a un “alto el fuego humanitario inmediato y a … Continue reading Cate Blanchett denuncia los “peligrosos mitos” sobre los refugiados ante los eurodiputados

Poisoned for decades by a Peruvian mine, communities say they feel forgotten

By Dan Collyns  CERRO DE PASCO, Peru — The open-cast crater seems ready to swallow the city whole. Mud-brick houses with corrugated iron roofs teeter on the edge of the massive Raúl Rojas mining pit, now lined with razor wire, which stretches nearly 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) across and is 300 meters, or more than a quarter of a mile, deep. This is the center of Cerro … Continue reading Poisoned for decades by a Peruvian mine, communities say they feel forgotten

Woman convicted of taking British girl, three, for female genital mutilation in Kenya

Matthew Weaver and PA Media Amina Noor, 39, found guilty of assisting another person to carry out FGM, in first conviction of its kind A woman has been found guilty of handing over a three-year-old British girl for female genital mutilation (FGM) during a trip to Kenya, in the first conviction of its kind. After a trial at the Old Bailey, Amina Noor, 39, was convicted … Continue reading Woman convicted of taking British girl, three, for female genital mutilation in Kenya

U.S. Child Gun Deaths Spiked 87% In 10 Years. Safe Storage Can Reverse This Trend

Arthur L. Kellermann, Contributor Gun deaths of U.S. children spiked by 87% between 2011 and 2021 while child deaths from car crashes fell by nearly half, according to a newly published study in the journal Pediatrics. As a result, firearms are now the leading cause of deaths of American children. What explains this shift? While the auto industry encouraged use of booster seats, seat belts and progressively improved … Continue reading U.S. Child Gun Deaths Spiked 87% In 10 Years. Safe Storage Can Reverse This Trend

For hundreds of migrant children living in shelters at the border, this CNN Hero’s mobile classrooms offer education and stability

By Allie Torgan, CNN Tijuana, Mexico. CNN—Estefanía Rebellón knows the trauma that stems from being forced to flee your home for safety. She understands the fear and uncertainty felt by the more than 70 million migrant and forcibly displaced children around the world. She was a migrant child, too. “My family’s case is the case of many refugees and migrants at the border. It was never … Continue reading For hundreds of migrant children living in shelters at the border, this CNN Hero’s mobile classrooms offer education and stability

Opinion: Talking to your children about the birds and the bees and climate change

Opinion by Kottie Christie-Blick Every parent worries about when, and how, to have a conversation with their children about the birds and the bees. Are they old enough? How much detail should I give? Will they understand? What do they know already? The reality is that the information is already out there. It’s in the news and it’s being discussed in schools. It’s across social media. … Continue reading Opinion: Talking to your children about the birds and the bees and climate change

Gymnastics Ireland apologizes after Black athlete is snubbed in medal ceremony

A year-old video has resurfaced  showing a judge passing over the only Black girl while handing out medals By Char Adams The governing body for gymnastics in Ireland has issued an apology after a video resurfaced appearing to show a judge ignoring the only Black girl at a medal ceremony last year.  A now-viral video of the March 2022 incident has sparked outrage across social media and prompted … Continue reading Gymnastics Ireland apologizes after Black athlete is snubbed in medal ceremony

‘The state says our kids don’t exist’ – how LGBT life is changing in Italy

Italian authorities are bringing in new measures targeting LGBT families and making it harder for them to have children. Many same-sex parents feel that a new law, which would make it illegal to have surrogacy abroad, is a personal attack against them. By Sofia Bettiza | BBC News, Italy “We have two options: to stay in Italy and face prison, or to run away.” Husbands … Continue reading ‘The state says our kids don’t exist’ – how LGBT life is changing in Italy