Satellite to probe mystery of clouds and climate

Jonathan Amos,Science correspondent,@BBCAmos A sophisticated joint European-Japanese satellite has launched to measure how clouds influence the climate. Some low-level clouds are known to cool the planet, others at high altitude will act as a blanket. The Earthcare mission will use a laser and a radar to probe the atmosphere to see precisely where the balance lies. It’s one of the great uncertainties in the computer … Continue reading Satellite to probe mystery of clouds and climate

Brain-Machine Interfaces Spark Ethics Debate. 4 Areas Of Concern

William A. Haseltine, Contributor As we approach a new age of technological integration, questions about privacy and ethics surrounding certain technologies will emerge. For several months, I have discussed the rapidly advancing field of brain-machine interfaces. The burgeoning technology allows for integration between our minds and external technological devices, theoretically enabling a more accessible world for those who could benefit from such technologies. However, many … Continue reading Brain-Machine Interfaces Spark Ethics Debate. 4 Areas Of Concern

Cuanto más sabemos sobre la evolución de internet más nos acercamos a una conclusión: los bots pueden matarla

La presencia de bots crece en todos los sectores, y lo hace especialmente por un motivo: la IA Javier Pastor Elon Musk está hasta las narices de los bots. Esa fue la razón que de hecho argumentó cuando trató de echarse atrás con su oferta de compra de Twitter. Finalmente se hizo con ella, y desde entonces lucha contra ese problema que está contaminando su plataforma. No … Continue reading Cuanto más sabemos sobre la evolución de internet más nos acercamos a una conclusión: los bots pueden matarla

Computing’s quantum shift

With the race to build a new generation of computers heating up, European companies are eyeing the game-changing opportunities. By TOM CASSAUWERS At some point in the future, the medicines that people take for everything from a simple cold to a complex disease like Parkinson’s might result from a discovery made using quantum computers. These machines, which rely on the principles of quantum physics to outperform … Continue reading Computing’s quantum shift

AI reveals secret roads endangering the world’s rainforests

By James Cook University Satellite images analyzed by AI are emerging as a new tool in finding unmapped roads that bring environmental destruction to wilderness areas. James Cook University’s Distinguished Professor Bill Laurance was co-author of a study analyzing the reliability of an automated approach to large-scale road mapping, using convolutional neural networks trained on road data, using satellite images. He said the Earth is experiencing an unprecedented wave … Continue reading AI reveals secret roads endangering the world’s rainforests

Google joins mission to map methane from space

By Zoe Kleinman | Technology editor Tech giant Google is backing a satellite project due to launch in March which will collect data about methane levels around the world. The new satellite will orbit 300 miles about the Earth, 15 times per day. Methane gas is believed by scientists to be a major contributor to global warming, because it traps in heat. A lot of … Continue reading Google joins mission to map methane from space

Bienvenidos a la era del aceleracionismo efectivo (o por qué mucha gente está añadiendo ‘e/acc’ a su biografía)

Javier Lacort Una nueva corriente de pensamiento está emergiendo. Viene de Silicon Valley y si se va a volver viral es, además de por el timing —llega en la era de ChatGPT y Midjourney—, porque ha hecho bien los deberes en cuanto al marketing: combina un nombre propio de una corriente filosófica, aceleracionismo efectivo, y una abreviatura de tan solo cinco caracteres, ‘e/acc’. Suficientemente singular para que sea memorable, … Continue reading Bienvenidos a la era del aceleracionismo efectivo (o por qué mucha gente está añadiendo ‘e/acc’ a su biografía)

AI will affect 40% of jobs and probably worsen inequality, says IMF head

‘Crucial’ that countries build social safety nets to mitigate impact on workers, says Kristalina Georgieva Dan Milmo Global technology editor Artificial intelligence will affect 40% of jobs around the world and it is “crucial” that countries build social safety nets to mitigate the impact on vulnerable workers, according to the head of the International Monetary Fund. AI, the term for computer systems that can perform tasks … Continue reading AI will affect 40% of jobs and probably worsen inequality, says IMF head