Forced evictions suppress Maasai spirituality & sacred spaces in Tanzania

By Sonam Lama Hyolmo When the dawn breaks over Kisokon village in Kenya’s Narok county, Maasai herders leave their bomas, tend to their cattle and follow them around as they graze in nearby pastures. But this is rarely the morning routine of Mokompo Ole Simel, one of Africa’s oldest oloiboni, a traditional spiritual leader. Simel, in his 90s, wakes up by the sun, offers daily prayers to … Continue reading Forced evictions suppress Maasai spirituality & sacred spaces in Tanzania

Aprender a hacer cine en la Amazonia para contar la selva desde dentro

ALFONSO SILVA SANTISTEBAN Hace nueve años, a los 14, Livia Silvano aprendió a usar una cámara de video en el local comunal de su barrio, en la zona baja de Belén, en la Amazonia peruana. Desde niña había participado junto con su madre en talleres que utilizaban el arte para crear y para abordar temas complejos como la violencia infantil o de género, facilitados por educadores … Continue reading Aprender a hacer cine en la Amazonia para contar la selva desde dentro

Peter Garrett welcomes NT government decision to put Jabiluka uranium site on hold

Former environment minister and Midnight Oil frontman calls on government to add site to Kakadu national park Karen Middleton, Political editor Former federal environment minister and Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett has welcomed the Northern Territory’s decision to make a temporary reservation order over the Jabiluka uranium mine site and called on his former Labor colleagues to go further and add it to Kakadu national park. … Continue reading Peter Garrett welcomes NT government decision to put Jabiluka uranium site on hold

Celebrating Bhutanese Queer Changemakers On The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia And Transphobia

Victor A. Lopez-Carmen, Contributor I write about health equity, representation and climate health-justice Long before the Parliament of Bhutan passed a bill decriminalizing “same-sex” sexual activity in 2021, Queer people in Bhutan were making vital contributions to the Himalayan Kingdom. And the work is not over, as LGBTQ+ activists and allies are still pushing for additional measures to protect Queer rights, such as the legal recognition of non-binary … Continue reading Celebrating Bhutanese Queer Changemakers On The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia And Transphobia

Environmental advocates heartbroken over sale of Florida seabird preserve

Bird Key, a nesting sanctuary bought for a song in mid-1980s, is for sale for $31.5m as ‘a golden opportunity for a developer’ Richard Luscombe in Miami Environmental advocates in Florida say they are heartbroken that a wealthy investor who once intended to save a historic private island as a seabird preserve now wants to sell it for development into “Miami’s most exclusive address”. Bird Key, one of … Continue reading Environmental advocates heartbroken over sale of Florida seabird preserve

Indigenous communities along Argentina’s Río Chubut mobilize to conserve waterway

By Denali DeGraf  CHUBUT RIVER, Argentina — “The waters of this territory converge in the Río Chubut,” began the refrain of a caravan traveling across Argentina’s Patagonia region in the budding first weeks of February. “And like the waters, so too will our voices flow together to be heard.” The group, made up of Indigenous Mapuche leaders, activists and anthropologists, journeyed along the 847 kilometers (526 … Continue reading Indigenous communities along Argentina’s Río Chubut mobilize to conserve waterway

Apologies aren’t enough, Indigenous people say of Brazil dictatorship’s crimes

By Fernanda Wenzel In Mato Grosso do Sul state, around 100 Indigenous individuals from the Guyraroká community of the Guarani-Kaiowá people are confined to an area of 50 hectares (123 acres) on the edge of a road, surrounded by soybean and corn plantations. Meanwhile, in Minas Gerais state, the Krenak are fighting to reclaim the area where their cemeteries and sacred sites are located. They still … Continue reading Apologies aren’t enough, Indigenous people say of Brazil dictatorship’s crimes

Restaurar la selva misionera: para las personas y la naturaleza

Fundación Vida Silvestre, la Municipalidad de San Pedro, el INTA y el INAFCI compartieron los principales logros del trabajo que están realizando junto a más de 55 familias de Colonia Alegría, San Pedro, para conservar y restaurar la selva, a través de prácticas productivas amigables con la naturaleza. En un esfuerzo conjunto por conservar y restaurar el invaluable ecosistema de la selva misionera, la Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, la Municipalidad … Continue reading Restaurar la selva misionera: para las personas y la naturaleza